write a welcome sequence that works*

*gets people to open your newsletters, engage with what you send, and buy when you sell*

email, amirite?

I send out sales emails but no one ever really buys.

Getting people to open my emails feels harder than it should be. Never mind the click rate.

I'm just at the point of giving up 'cause this email thing feels hard as heck.

Whichever one is speaking the loudest to you right now? There's good news.

We can change this whole thing around with a proper welcome sequence. 

No, you don't need a marketing coach. Or a copywriter. Or even to burn your whole email strategy to the ground.

You just need a simple welcome sequence that guides new leads through

--your vision of their future (with your help)
--expectations of how you'll get there together
--what you're like as a person + the values that drive your business

It might sound "so not simple, Liz"...but I promise by the end of our 2 hours together, you'll have a firm grip on it all. 

Not to mention, you'll have most of it written and ready to put into your ESP, too.

Kathy B

Thanks for this workshop. This is exactly what I needed - someone to walk me through step by step & tell me *what* to say. Theory's great, but give me the damn words! Thank you!

DonnaRae Jones
Caregiver Coach

Watched the welcome sequence replay last night. Such great practical approach to writing the welcome emails.

what's inside the workshop:

Welcome Sequence Templates

Writing from scratch sucks. Get my welcome sequence templates so that after the workshop? All you have to do is plug and play.

[$100 value]

 Training & Q+A

I'll walk you through every email you need to write and WHY you should write it.

After the workshop, we will have time for a Q+A. 

Can't make it live? Submit your questions via email and I will personally answer them.

[$100 value]

Time to Write

I'm totally over the whole "learn more + never do anything with it" phase of my life. 

With this workshop, we will actually be writing KEY elements of your welcome sequence so you spend just as much time learning as you do taking action.

[#priceless actually]

heyyo! liz wilcox here.

You might know my story of converting 100% of the waitlist on my first digital course. 


I always give credit to a proper welcome sequence that paved the way for sales success.

And now I want to teach that exact welcome sequence to you.


feel their click + open rates aren't where they need to be

wrote their welcome sequence more than a year ago and have never revised it

are just getting started with email and not sure of their first right step

want to monetize their list but are having a heck of a time doing it (even after hiring help)

have written a welcome sequence but something about it just "ain't right"

are ready to finally make sense of all this "email marketing" stuff once and for all

And really, this is for people who are ready to finally make sense of all this "email marketing" stuff once and for all.

Listen, it all starts with a solid welcome sequence. 

So let's get to it, my friend.

you might be thinking...

(aka: the FAQ portion of the sales page)

  • Why is the welcome sequence such a big deal?
    Think of it like the foundation of your house. The house ain't gonna last long if it's not sitting on something firm, right?

    With a proper welcome sequence, you set the foundation. You tell people exactly what it's like to do business with you...and that you are a business in the first place.

    If you don't have a proper welcome, you won't have a proper business. Simple as that.
  • Is this live?
    Nope! This has been recorded and you'll get immediate access to the workshop to watch at your convenience.
  • Point blank. I'm wondering how this can be $49 and actually deliver.
    Like I mentioned a few sections above, email changed my life completely. When I realized I could click a button and make real $$$? I was hooked.

    I know not everyone is going to geek out like I did initially. But I want everyone in on this email marketing thing. Even if you've previously felt "gate kept."

    So I ran the numbers for my business and set the lowest price I could for profit. Then I packed as much value into the offer as possible so you can't help but say "heck, why not?"
  • Email stresses me out. Hands down, I just can't do everything it takes to make $$$ with email.
    So here's the deal. When I started my blog back in 2016, I didn't even have internet on my phone. I had to drive around stealing internet from the library + Lowe's parking lots to get my email list up and running.

    I couldn't listen to the traditional "tell stories" and "build funnels" advice out there. I had to create my own way of doing things.

    One that kept it simple as hell.

    That's why I recommend having a solid welcome sequence that sets people up for success with their newsletter and launch game. And that's what you'll learn.

    So carve out two hours. Attend the workshop. Or watch the replay. This will help you make more money this year. I know it.
  • What if I have people on my list but haven't emailed them in a long time. Do I need to resend them through this sequence?
    Not exactly. Instead, you'll write the emails you learn in this workshop and send them out as weekly emails so people are "re-introduced" to you PROPERLY and you can take them from there into your now-consistent newsletter where they'll be ready to click, reply, and buy, baby.
  • I don't have an email list yet.
    Then I recommend taking a look at my list building training. It's $12 and you can find it here: https://lizwilcox.thrivecart.com/list-building/

    Or you can take this workshop, get your welcome sequence SOLID and then go out and find new leads to run them through the sequence. Whatever feels better to you.
  • I'm an energy healer/salon owner/tutor/painter/ecommerce/ wicked-unique brand. How the heck is this going to work for me?
    In the words of a former attendee...

    "So many marketers market about marketing to marketers (say that three times fast ). I’m so tired of seeing example swipes about selling business services to online coaches. I was really happy to see B2C examples."

    So yeah... This welcome sequence will work for all sorts of niches. I've personally used it to write welcome sequences for travel blogs, event hosts, service providers, faith-based bloggers, and dog photographers.

my turn to ask a question...

Ready to finally get your welcome sequence right so you know your open, click, and sales conversion rate will go up?

Then let's do it! Sign up for $49 and make 2024 the year that email starts working for you. 

Add 6 weeks of newsletters?

$26, baby!
After your leads go through the welcome sequence, they're gonna need some consistent newsletters. Get ahead of the game with 6 weeks of newsletter templates. 

Not offered anywhere else.
  • Total payment
  • 1x[lizwilcox] Welcome Sequence Workshop$49

All prices in USD

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