March 11th-13th

List Building Live
You can’t grow your business without growing your email list.
Building an audience feels...

But it doesn’t have to be ANY of that. 

All the people at the top you admire? Their sales come from their email list. 

Not their YouTube subscribers. Not their social media followers. Not their TikTok fans. 

We're talking Jay Clouse, AppSumo guy, Rachel Rodgers...even Kendrick Lamar is growing his email list, okay?

he is like us. he is like us.

And to keep those sales coming in, you have to keep your email list growing. 

Cause your email list is like water. If that water just sits there and doesn’t change, it grows stagnant (pond scum, stinky algae, mosquito larva—gross!) You have to keep it flowing to keep it fresh.

AKA... new subscribers = $$$!

You can’t keep selling to your list if it’s the same stagnant 300, 3,000 or 13,000 people you’ve been emailing every week for a year. 

You need new email leads coming in every day.

Do you check off more than three?

  • flopped launch
  • little to no replies, clicks, or sales 
  • open rates lower than 35%
  • radio silence when you email 
  • engagement goes down every time you grow your list
  • no $$$ in the list
  • never gotten a client from email
  • FB group awkwardness (aka you the only one postin')
  • shrinking list syndrome 

You’ve got a list building problem, my friend.
Enter List Building Live

A free audio summit to give you...

quick tactics build your email list in a way that works for you. B2C and B2B-inclusive.

What's out in 2025:

making videos and free content to social media
building the lead magnet and praying people find it
starting a Facebook group and hoping members convert to the list

working your [censored] off just to see your followers disappear #tiktokban
waiting until you’re an “expert” to seek out visibility opportunities

So what's in?

Join me at List Building Live Summit and find how to get that fresh leads pouring into your email list like Niagara Falls. 

Unique strategies from all sorts of industries. All in one place. Quick and easy listens so you can decide for yourself what your next best step should be. 

Meet the Speakers

We've got speakers in the B2C and B2B niche so no matter what kind of list you're building, you've got examples on how to grow your list.

Each one sharing the #1 way they've grown their list in the last 6-12 months. So you get strategies that are working today...for YOUR industry.
Patrick Pierre

web developer/shopify pro
irresistible lead magnets
Jessica Eastman Stewart

personal +professional organization 
enlisting current subscribers to recruit new leads

Sadie Smiley

low ticket membership pro


Allan Ngo

business coach

guest presentations

Eden Fried

membership site owner
dusting off old content and putting it on Pinterest

Fareedah Shaheed

cybersecurity specialist

manychat for social

Zach Spuckler

marketing strategist

FB ads

Bat-Chen Grossman

faith-based marriage coach
finding the right bundle for the right leads

Deanna Seymour

fun(nest) biz coach 

Networking Events

Aprille Franks

content marketer
virtual events

Chad Allen

writer and coach
freebie swaps

Nina Clapperton

facebook group membership questions

Sharee Collier

summit host + blogger

hosting a summit (even as a newbie in the industry)

Scotti Weintraub

parent coach
working with local groups to host live events

Tracy Beavers

list growth pro
growing on FB even when ppl tell you not to promote 

Kristen Doyle

web designer

picking the right summits

LaKisha Mosley

mental health advocate

all the things for all the leads
(the power of variety when growing your list)

Diana Alt

career coach

hosting workshops + webinars

Roger Coles

canva guy

creating the right content and lead magnet on social for leads

Aurora Gregory

speaking coach

using launching to light a fire up your booty

Yesenia Faiella

quiz lady

attracting the perfect leads with quizzes

Angela James

author coach

holiday collabs to double your list

Kerstin Cable

language coach

Kit's Creator Network

Paul Gowder

getting leads via livestream and in-person events

Roberto Candelaria

business coach


Robyn Roste

freelance writer

pitching companies

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  • Total payment
  • 1xList Building Live Summit$0

All prices in USD
