Ya know that feeling when you watch a launch and think…
“Wow. That's awesome. I could never do that.”
But like... you also know you really need to launch because money and stuff?
Then Liz Wilcox’s Launch Course is for you.

Let’s get you some not-so-typical results, shall we?
Launches that don’t…
… feel like an existential crisis
…take ages to create
…add on “live” challenges, webinars, etc
…rely on ads for traffic
…keep you up at night and skipping dinner
…completely flop and leave you wanting to “burn everything”
…cause your IBS to flare up
Okay. I’ll stop. You get the picture.
But how, Liz?
I’m so glad you asked, my friend.
What if we went back to basics?
What if we…
…spent more time on discovering who our ideal buyer is and how to talk to them?
...ditched the webinar slides telling people they’re in the right place?
…wrote emails that didn’t hide the fact we’re trying to sell something?
…stopped poking at emotional wounds just to get people to buy?
…just shared what kind of person would see the biggest transformations?
…believed that direct language convinces the ready buyer to purchase instead of writing everything from a place of “how can i persuade them?”
Best of all(!!!)
What if we just made this a little more simple and a lot more fun?
Say it with me:

What’s in:
Simple Direct language
Respecting the inbox
Getting to the point
Spending most of your time on getting to know your prospective customers
Honesty built to attract only the right customers
Enter your bullet points here..
What’s out:
Lengthy prose that no one has the time or attention span to read
Live events that complicate and lengthen the buyer’s journey
Ad spend
Stretching the truth + fake FOMO
A bunch of storytelling that feels more like coercion to maximize sales
Enter your bullet points here..

Know how to launch without exhaustion
Look. It’s important to have revenue goals. And the more you launch, the more you should expect from it.
But if you're still struggling with making money AND the emotional aspect of launching? THIS COURSE AND LIVE COHORT IS FOR YOU.
It's going to be everything you need and nothing you don’t. I want you to feel good about this launch, so that you do it again and again! (that’s the real key to success, btw.)
Of course, you should make some moolah with this course and the email templates you get. That’s for sure.
Why? Because I've got some big objectives for you when it comes to launching:
#1 You feel confident about the emails you’re sending, the language inside of them, and their frequency.
With my course, your emails are your launch, so you’ve got to feel really good about hitting that send button.
That’s why I give you 9 launch email templates, complete with video walkthroughs, samples, subject line ideas, and suggested send order.
You also get 2 bonus templates AND 10 inspirational swipes.
Like Burger King, this course let's you have it your way. Mix and match the templates. Watch the videos and read through the samples so you can feel confident choosing which emails you want to use for your launch AND HOW you’re going to use them.…and which ones to leave for later. Or never touch at all. It’s all you, baby boo.
#2 You feel like you’ve checked just enough boxes to build momentum and drive sales… without having to spin more plates than you can handle
Raise your hand if you’ve ever downloaded a launch checklist or bought a course/program and then promptly “noped out” because it was just too much? Yep. That’s what I thought.
This course isn’t typical. Sure, I’ve made plenty of little videos to watch in case you’re a visual or auditory learner who needs that, but there really aren’t any “modules.” And you won’t find any checklists. Ha!
Once inside, I want you to spend your time DOING. Outside of writing the email templates themselves, there are only 4 things I’m asking you to do. And all of them aren’t even things your audience needs to see or know about. #literallynopressure
#3 You eat dinner every night and go to bed without the whole “omg am I missing something” feeling
This is a BIG one.
When we see launches online, they appear to be this all encompassing thing. The “launcher” is going live on social, he’s running FB ads, there’s 3 emails going out a day, and let’s not even mention the challenge they’ve been hosting the last 5 days.
Is he okay? Is he sleeping?
We can safely assume, even with a team, probably not. He’s tired and ready to be done.
I don’t want that for you.
I want you to feel a sense of satisfaction that you did all you could leading up to and during the event. I want you to eat dinner with your family. Spend time watching Netflix or whatever streaming platform rules your household. And I want you to sleep. None of that “waking up in a cold sweat because you forgot to turn on the countdown timer” nonsense.
For me, anything less just doesn’t feel like a success. And my launch course, emails, and course design were built for you to have all three*.
*plus some movement in the revenue department, obviously.
Launch Course

Finally, a way to launch that doesn’t feel like a roller coaster ride built by Lucifer himself.
Complete with email templates, tutorials, and activities that help you hone in on how to best explain your product to your ideal customers and let go of other intense, coercive strategies that might keep you clinging to any and every buyer.
Here’s what’s included:
9 launch email templates
1 Sample launch calendar
3 Understanding Our
Customer exercises
1 Answering Objections Activity
The Phases of the Launch Sequence tutorial
Launch bonuses tutorial and creation exercise
2 more launch emails templates ($100)
I know we all fear having the same launch sequence as everyone else. Of course, when you watch the video walkthrough and give yourself permission to deviate, that’s unlikely. BUTTTT…to ease your mind, I’m including some bonus launch emails so you can mix and match– varying your launch to make it feel most like you.
10+ Email Swipes ($50)
There are some emails that I simply don’t have time to templatize or strategize how they would fit into a launch sequence. So I’m going to put together a swipe file for you of emails I’ve used to sell
– workshops
– affiliate offers
– my membership
– other random stuff
So you have a really full, comprehensive, big picture view of all types of emails you can send to not just launch, but sell anytime.
Email + Emotions: How to ride the launch roller coaster ($50)
I have a sticky note at my computer that reminds me that email is emotional for people. If all this talk of launch emails and selling makes your palms sweaty, you’ll love this bonus. A short guide to what emotions might come up during this process and after, I’ll share my best tips for “riding the roller coaster” and moving through your emotions for a successful launch you’ll want to do again.
Okie doke. That’s about $400 worth of goodies that I’m throwing in because everyone loves a good bonus, amirite?

I’ve launched at least a dozen different digital products in the last 7 years? All email only.
My big claim to fame is launching w/ a waitlist of 141. And making 141 sales. A year later, I had over 400 students in the program.
Something else you should know? I only told one story in all those emails.
My launch emails focus on thorough product explanations, benefits, and promises we can actually deliver.
Want to see what that looks like? And write your emails in the same way?
Liz wilcox here.
Who should join
You should definitely purchase if you…
have $500
are mostly done w/ your offer but you could use a little help with the "how do I sell this?" part
have tried to launch before but things fell flat or were way too muchhhh
would like some help figuring out how to explain your offer and position it in a way that gets ideal customers excited to buy… without feeling like you’re bribing people or preying on their emotions
Enter your bullet points here..
You might wait to purchase if you…
are sweating the $500 and know that would put a financial strain on you
don’t have an offer at least 80% thought out or created
have some launch emails and your way of doing things is working really well
ghosted your email list more than a few months ago
don’t have an email list at all
Enter your bullet points here..
Let's talk refunds
You’ve got 7 days to check out the course material. If something feels out of sync with you… I’ll refund you [minus the processing fees].
Yep. Even though someone could just swipe everything and ask for a refund… I trust that won’t happen. Just like you can trust that I’ll give you your money back if this isn’t the right thing for you.

- Straight up. Your stuff is normally priced a lot lower. What gives with this price tag?Ya got me. My main offer is $9/month and here I am asking you to spend hundreds. But!!
This is a whole course. Complete with worksheets and videos. Videos that break down each aspect of your launch, including the emotional side of things AND how to write to sound like YOU. PLUS all the emails you could ever need to launch.
Not to mention, I’m adding in a two week live component where I will cover every aspect of the course, make time for questions, and give you coworking time to ensure you carve out the space to take the course. I’m not even charging extra for this. It comes with your purchase.
This is a true learning experience meant for the folks that are ready for it. That have the offer and some sort of email list. And are ready to put it all together.
By the end of this cohort, you’ll take the knowledge you learned from this and use it over and over in your launches. For years to come!
If you don’t have the $400 (or even the payment plan option of $200 to start)...do not buy this. Seriously. If you don’t have $400, you are not ready for this course.
But if you just have a little fear around the investment? I invite you to think of what proper, simple, launching could do for your future. In and outside of your business. - Why are you the one to teach me this?I’ve launched at least a dozen different digital products and events in the last 7 years. Most, I’ve launched at least a few times. Heck, with my $9/month membership–every day feels like launch day.
My big claim to fame is when I launched my first course and had 141 people on the waitlist…and proceeded to make 141 sales during the 5-day launch period.
That was 4 years ago. And since then, I’ve helped dozens of people launch with 1:1 services. And helped hundreds launch products from what I’ve taught in other programs, workshops, and live virtual event experiences.
But you should know that the emails and education inside this course are 100% Liz-ified:
-emails that focus on how you AND your product can serve your ideal customers (versus using storytelling as a tool to invoke emotional buying)
– worksheets that give you clarity on your ideal customer before you start writing your emails (ya know, so the writing part goes a lot faster once you’re there)
– a foundational belief in the truth, getting to the point as quickly as possible, and varying your content
– strategies that work in today’s market (because I’m constantly launching and learning what is working right the freak now.)
If that sounds good to you, I invite you to buy right now for $400. - What's all included?*9 launch email templates*
I don’t want you to just copy and paste. I want you to actually understand how the email works and how to use it for YOU. That’s why each email comes with its own video walkthrough and sample.
*2 BONUS launch emails templates*
I know we all fear having the same launch sequence as everyone else. Of course, when you watch the video walkthrough and give yourself permission to deviate, that’s unlikely. BUTTTT…to ease your mind, I’m including some bonus launch emails so you can mix and match– varying your launch to make it feel most like you.
*Sample Launch Calendar*
This will allow you to see the different phases of your launch, get a picture of when you should be sending emails, and what happens when your launch is over. [video tutorial included]
*3 Understanding Our Customer exercises*
The key to an amazing launch is to know your customers amazingly well. Use these exercises to “get into the mind” of your customer and brainstorm all the ways your product is going to solve their issues. This is going to make those emails so much easier to write! [video tutorial included]
*Answering Objections activity*
In this wild world we’re living in, it’s more important than ever to be direct and address objections head on. This activity will help you list them all out and create your answers. You know, so you can easily put your answers directly in the templates when you’re prompted. [video tutorial included]
*The Phases of the Launch Sequence tutorial*
What should I expect during a launch? This tutorial answers that question by sharing the 4 phases of your email launch and what kind of sales you’ll likely see at each phase. [video tutorial included]
*Launch Bonuses Tutorial and Creation Exercise*
Possibly the most exciting but the easiest to overwhelm you and your customer…the bonuses! What kind of bonuses should you offer during your launch and why? This tutorial will walk you through the 4 types of bonuses, appearing vs. disappearing. Coupled with an exercise for you to journal out your bonus offers, you’ll be bringing your A GAME to this launch. - I just need more convincing.Fine by me. I love conscious consumers. (I don’t even shop on Amazon.)
Maybe you’ve launched before but…
the emails you sent didn’t sound like you because you used swipe files and had a hard time making them “you”
had anxiety the whole time because, while you were following a “formula”, you didn’t really understand what was happening, why you were sending out certain emails, or even how to best explain your offer.
things felt mostly thrown together which made you feel uneasy
you spent more time listening to other people’s launch stories instead of spending real time thinking through real reasons why someone should buy, how they might object, and forget about crafting a well thought out bonus strategy
I’d say yikes, but this is pretty typical. So no worries if you were nodding your head. That’s exactly why I created this course and why I’m sharing how I launch things.
The templates are not swipe files. They come complete with video walkthroughs and samples so you can make them YOU.
I don’t just give you a formula. There are several tutorials around your offer, customer, and launch, each complete with an exercise or activity. My goal is for you to feel confident that you know your who should buy this so well and can explain everything about your offer with ease…before you even write a single word of email for this launch.
This will feel really cohesive and mapped out for you.
You will understand bonuses and have a strategy.
You will know why someone should buy and how to open up a conversation about it.
And you will have spent more time working on your launch than just listening to me ramble on about them.
Maybe you’ve never launched before and you…
are tired of seeing all the launch emails that tell you a bunch of heartfelt stories that coerce you into buying
want a more easy-to-write but also effective-as-heck launch email method
feel like there’s so much info out there but you still “don’t know what you don’t know”
have an offer you want to introduce to your audience but don’t want to overwhelm them but do want to make sales but don’t wanna come across as….and so on with the but, but, buts
…then this Launch Method course will work for you.
I know launching for the first time is scary. You don’t know if your audience will be receptive. Maybe you’re doubting if the offer is right for them. Or perhaps you’re just doubting that you can do all the things it takes to pull this thing off.
Let me tell you something: You do have what it takes.
You might just need a friend.
I’d love to help. Inside the Liz Wilcox Launch Method course, you’ll find everything you need and nothing you don’t to launch for the first time.
Exercises and activities to walk you through the launch phases, calendar of events, objections your customer might have, and even craft a bonus strategy that’s sure to surprise and delight folks.
This isn’t a typical course where I info-stuff you. This is very action-oriented and you’ll be spending the majority of your time on thinking, writing, and implementing.
I want this for you!
Oh…last thing.
If you have to decide between groceries and this course…please do not buy. I never want someone to purchase with hesitation stemming from their personal budget. I believe in your ability to make money. And I offer free resources to help you do just that. - What if I want a refund?Want one? Get one!
You can request a refund within 7 days of purchase. I want you to trust that if this isn’t right for you, I’ll give you your money back without harassment of guilt.
Just like I trust you not to purchase, make copies of everything, bookmark or download all the videos, and then ask for a refund.
We’re both better than that.
So yeah. 7 days. Refund minus processing fees. No problems. Xoxo - What if I take the course and still feel confused? Will I be supported aside from the tutorials and such?Absolutely! You can email me at any time at admin@lizwilcox.com with your questions. Or better yet…get the hive mind behind your launch and join my incredibly active Facebook group. That place is full of folks that are just as generous with their time and help as they are smart. (that’s a lot of support)
Here's what you get one more time
11 email templates, complete with samples and video walkthroughs
5 activities and exercises to help you solidify your launch strategy + nail your messaging
Bonuses to help you navigate the launch roller coaster and round out your launch emails
- Customer
- Payment
Contact information
Choose a pricing option
- Preferred optionOne-time payment ($500.00)$500.00
- Preferred optionSplit pay (2x $250.00)2x $250.00
Choose your price

Sales Page Training + Template
$150 $75!!
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- 1xLiz Wilcox’s Launch Course$0-+
- Sales Page Training + Templates$75
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- Liz Wilcox’s Launch Course$0
- Sales Page Training + Templates$75
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- Sales tax$0
- Total
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- $0
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$0 - Today's payment
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